Wednesday, 29 July 2009

they were sisters...

testing, testing...
here's a double panel drawing i'm working on at leisure. the idea is to do the original in watercolour and this fancy schmansy scan in digital colour.
i will then compare and contrast. the hope is that then you will too.

will post a triple whammy when ready.
hope you are all well out there.


1 comment:

  1. Hello again!!! I want to compare and contrast!! As in the Speaking from CAE exam!! haha
    The family say that I have very good english, but I don't really trust them..
    The girl is a GUARRA, absolutely GUARRA!! lo deja todo tirado por el suelo, she NEVER flows the toilet, she spits on the flour, I don't know, loads of dirty things!! Ya te iré contando!! haha
    Si quieres un poco de fresquito, aqui te espero!! hahaha
    Un besoo!!
