Tuesday, 28 April 2009

plants and animals

spread the word.... plants and animals are coming to town!!
it sure feels like christmas this spring... not only are they playing once, but twice! check out the primavera sound site for more details... a little freebie there will be on the sunday!

here's the myspacio for further deets: http://www.myspace.com/plantsandanimals

vienen plants and animals a primavera sound este año!!!!! y no solo una vez... dos! si no tienes entrada para primavera, no hace falta, una de las dos actuaciones son GRATIS!!!
ah... que bueno tener un poco de canadá cerca de casa!

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

in flight

for every reason there is a season...

Sunday, 19 April 2009

gettin´ old

keeping with the theme of detached heads, this is margaret. she's travelled quite a bit. her last trip was about 750km. (all the way to madrid!!). nestled in the warmth of my parents house she received love for a couple of months until one afternoon (just before siesta) my mom tried to move the table which tipped her over. needless to say, that head popped right off! luckily i was there to witness the whole thing and shortly after the devastating event i ran over to the hardware store and bought some epoxy putty. i'm not sure if you know about epoxy putty but let me tell you... it is great! way better than that pesky regular epoxy, especially, when mending a broken neck.

by the way, in this pic she is seamless!

ayer me comentaron que no había forma de entender mi inglés! voy a intentar hacer esto en ambas lenguas... así también practico y dejo a mis lectores castellano parlantes a salvo de demasiados ¨phrasal verbs o collocations." os parece?

el mi anterior post vimos el tema de decapitaciones. siguiendo con este tema os presento a margaret (o mejor... margarita/marga-- como quieras). margarita ha viajado mucho. su ultimo viaje fue a madrid unos 750m desde aquí. traslada a un ambiente familiar y cálido (como es la casa de mis padres) recibió mucho amor y cariño hasta que un buen día en un intento fallido de mover la mesa se cayó. y como una palomita saltando en una cazuela, pop! allá fue su cabeza! estuve de testigo de la escena completa! después del choque inicial salí pitando a una ferretería adonde compre masilla epoxi. no se si lo conocéis pero déjame deciros que es la hostia!! no tiene nada que ver con un epoxi normal especialmente cuando arreglando cuellos partidos!

p.d. en esta foto podemos ver a una margarita antes del accidente. un minuto de silencio por favor...

Friday, 17 April 2009

the guests have arrived/los invitados han llegado

there are times when ideas should rest safely in my sketchbook or in my mind. i really thought this was a hoot one dark rainy day in my studio. what do you think?

Thursday, 16 April 2009

tomás in the sky with diamonds

this is tomás. he´s a navel-gazer and he loves his mom. born in the hills of catalunya, he has a deep appreciation for green spaces and all pork fare! yum!
he can be reached at 555-5555 (area code: 55)

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

things to look forward to...

there comes a point in every woman's life where office casual and accompanying parrot on shoulder are simply not an option. i near this junction.

Thursday, 9 April 2009


taking things apart only to put them back together again.
it's spring!

Monday, 6 April 2009

at the crossroads...

decisions, deciding, decided.